Commercial Glass Installation
For years Edwards Glass Company has been making the impossible possible.
Edwards Glass Company continually serves our commercial glass installation customers and ensures they are getting the best available products and service for their money. While we are not the largest shop in existence, our size allows us to react quickly to the needs of our customers. Over the years we have been involved in virtually every aspect of the glazing industry and quite a few other building enclosure industries.

Commercial Glass Installation
Reputation is everything to us
Trust is what
sets us apart
By working safely with quality workmanship and proper communication we assure on-time completion of your commercial glass installation projects. Edwards Glass Company has a well earned reputation as being one of the premier glazing companies in South East Michigan.
Your Budget is a Priority
Upfront pricing is our standard
When comparing companies "Apples to Apples" you will find that Edwards Glass Company has the most completed and thought-out commercial glass installation pricing available, leading your project to a minimum of costly post bid change orders. Know your costs up front and hire the Edwards Glass Company for you next project.